Zoe is a female cat approximately 12 months old. Zoe has had a litter of kittens which have now been rehomed and Zoe needs a forever home of her own. Zoe was a fantastic mother to her four kittens and has now fully recovered and has turned into a kitten herself!
Zoe is a quiet girl who is initially slightly timid with new people but quickly comes round and enjoys a cuddle and a fuss. Zoe can be a little jumpy due to being badly treated by adults in her previous home. However, she adores children and is quite a different cat around them, feeling much more confident, she loves to join in with their fun, playing with their toys, sitting on their laps and generally finding them very interesting! Zoe has been in a foster home since August and has settled down into home life very well. Being jumpy is just her nature but she has discovered how much she enjoys a fuss, and although it has taken a while, she now trusts her foster carers enough to sit on their laps. Zoe has gained a lot of confidence and has turned out to be a very loving girl.
Zoe is very gentle and hasn’t had much time to be a kitten herself (although she’s making up for it now and is totally besotted with her toy mouse!)…..can you give Zoe the love and attention she needs?