My name is Shortcake, yes you heard right. Why, I do not know, because I am not short and I am not a cake either. BUT….. tasty and sweet I most certainly am . I am White & Black and have lovely facial markings, look at my handsome face in my photo, now you have to admit I am rather handsome aren`t I.
I am 1 year old so still very young, and because I am a youngster, I am still a little unsure of things, so this makes me nervous. Because of this I would prefer an adult home only if possible or with grown up children, so they don’t scare me. This sort of home would bring me out of my shell. I am fine with other cats, it`s nice to have a feline playmate, to play tag, or who can scare the most birds. I am neutered and have had all the flea treatment so I am nice and clean and ready to go to my new home. If you would like to be my new Mum or Dad or both please come and see how sweet I am.