Meet Raj and Leonard two 10 week old male kittens. Raj came into our care as a stray at about 6 weeks old crawling with fleas. He is now flea free, healthy and waiting for his forever home with Leonard. Leonard came into our care after he was found living in a shed with his sister at 6 weeks old (Penny his sister has found her forever home). Raj is a very friendly very playful kitten, full of beans and purrs so so much. Leonard is a scardy kitten bless him, you can pick him up and cuddle him but hes really not keen, with time and patience, and learning from Raj, he will come round too. We are looking for a quiet, child free home for this pair. They are used to living with other cats. Raj and Leonard will be neutered and microchipped prior to adoption and will have had at least their 1st vaccinations.
Raj and Leonard – 12 week old male Black and White Domestic Short-Haired Cats
GREAT NEWS! This Cat Has Now Been Rehomed
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