Lila (3 years) and Chas (2 years – Lila’s daughter) are female blue persians. They both have fantastic personalities, seek attention and affection, and love to be petted. Both are happy to be picked up and cuddled. Chas chatters away like she is having a conversation with you and her little tongue constantly pokes out so she has a very cheeky look about her! Lila has a silent meow but snores very loudly when she is asleep to make up for it! They have wonderfully calm temperaments, but they do have their mad half hours like all cats.

They would be suitable for a home with other animals and older children. We’ve been advised they would not be suitable for a home with young children or babies as Chas likes to lie on your chest to cuddle. It would be best to rehome the two together as they do reassure one another and are very affectionate towards one another.

Anyone considering adopting these two must take into consideration that some time and effort has to be invested in grooming and helping them to take care of their coats. They will make fantastic pets and are brilliant company to have around. Both are spayed.