Meet our sweet June who has been with us since the summer hence her name. June is now completely blind which was progressive enabling her to grow used to her condition gradually. She is comfortable with it and just needs oodles of love squandering on her in a safe, familiar and loving environment. Ideally living in a home where she has her own acquainted space where she knows where everything is. June is in good health aside from this but has daily medication which she takes readily with her food.
Initially June will be an indoor cat, but could venture into an enclosed secure garden once she had become established within her home, but initially would need to be kept in and may choose to in the long run. All June wants is to be a lap cat, not left for long periods and to be a loyal and constant companion. She would make a wonderful pet so please give this affectionate and warm-hearted girl the chance she deserves for happiness and peace of mind. June could live with other cats and children. Situated South East England, Herts