Jack and Willow are approximately 13 weeks old and an adorable little pair of siblings. Both came together at a young age and they enjoy sleeping cuddled up with one another. They are very affectionate little kittens, and if one gets fuss and attention, the other one will want to join in, and together they purr very loudly. Jack is all black with a few white hairs on his belly and has very long legs. Willow is black and white with beautiful long white whiskers which gives her a real character.
Both kittens absolutely love cuddles and enjoy being around you as you’re in the house. Jack is a talkative little chap and will tell you where he is and what he is up to. He enjoys sitting in boxes, bags and finding the best little hiding place in the house, but you won’t lose him for long as he will tell you where he is. Willow has a very cute little voice and is the instigator of playful games. She is very good at finding Jack in his hiding place and together they entertaining for hours.