Felix is a 3 year old male Black and White Domestic Short-Haired Cat. “Felix is a recovering stray that is finally regaining his trust (and love) of people. He was handed into the RSPCA after being found with a broken leg and a fear of people. He spent a good portion of his time at his foster home hiding, then, after a few weeks he decided to come out and rub against a leg, much to our surprise. He was finally ready to give us another chance. From there he has slowly started rebuilding his trust and gaining cuddles and lap space as a reward, he is now a happy friendly but still wary cat.
Felix now loves people, he will quickly jump to an empty lap for some mutual warmth and cuddle up to hands and arms, using them as a little cushion. He is also starting to learn to play, and will chase string and toys around happily. We are also starting to pick him up which causes him to purr until he gets a little worried and politely asks to come down.
Felix may not be suitable around small children due to his chance of nipping and his anxious nature.