Billy-Bob is a 4 year old male Black and White Domestic Short-Haired Cat. Now Billy-Bob has fully recovered from an operation on his eye lid, we are looking for a very calm and quiet home for him. 4-year- old Billy-Bob is a very timid and nervous cat who needs reassurance and security. At the same time he is very passive and gentle. A new owner will have to be experienced and patient and allow Billy-Bob time to come out of his shell. It is quite literally a shell as he spends most of his time in his igloo bed, in which he feels very safe. He enjoys a chin rub and his food. In order to eat, Billy-Bob likes to be encouraged with a chat and fuss.
Billy-Bob was a stray from Wouldham, where he is thought to have been abandoned 18 months ago. As he was unneutered, he was fighting with the local cats and broke into houses for food. When we rescued him Billy-Bob was suffering from a very painful eye condition called entropion. This is where the eyelid is folded inward against the eyeball and the eyelashes constantly rub against the cornea and irritate it. When Billy-Bob came into our care 6 weeks ago, our vet operated on his eye lid while he castrated him.
Billy-Bob is microchipped, fully vaccinated and flea and worm treated. We feel that Billy-Bob will thrive once he is part of a calm household. He could possibly live with other cats, as long as they are very laid back and wouldn’t dominate him. He has met the cats in his foster home and he seemed very relaxed in their presence. A new home must be without young children or dogs.