For further details regarding adopting a cat from RSPCA Altrincham Cheshire Branch, please telephone 0161 286 2503 or email
Lola is a female black and white cat around 5 months old. She is very lively and inquisitive and has a loving nature. She loves being stroked and purrs instantly!
Molly is a female tortoiseshell cat around 16 weeks old she is very inquisitive and starts purring as soon as she sees you and loves sleeping in boxes!
Tommy and Jasper are 2 male brothers around 5 months old. Tommy is a tabby and white cat and Jasper is a silver tabby. They are both cute & curious and very affectionate. They will make lovely family pets and…
Clyde is a male grey and white tabby cat around 4 years old. Clyde is a very gentle cat who loves to be stroked. He will even roll over and let you massage his tummy. He loves napping next to…
Ruud is a 2 year old male grey and white tabby cat. He came to us at the RSPCA as his owner had recently had a baby and they didn’t want him anymore. Ruud loves spending time outside so is…