For further details regarding adopting a cat from RSPCA Altrincham Cheshire Branch, please telephone 0161 286 2503 or email
Charlie is a male black and white semi long-haired 8 months old cat. This handsome young chap is very sociable and playful. He is looking for a home where he can get lots of fuss and cuddles.
Phoebe is a female tabby cat aged around 6 months. She is very sweet and friendly and good with other cats. She was rescued by our Inspectors from a very overcrowded house and is now being looked after by one of…
Percy is a male white and grey cat around 5 years old. He came into our care as his owner died very suddenly so Percy was left without a home. He is neutered and is fine with cats, dogs and…
Pearl and Shilo are beautiful kittens aged 9 weeks. Pearl is White and Shilo is a Tortoiseshell. They are very playful, inquisitive and sweet. They will be a joy to have around and are looking for a forever home.
Jenny and Juliet are beautiful kittens who are 9 weeks old and looking for there forever home. They are very playful inquisitive and sweet. They will be a joy to have. They are both female and ginger and white.
Tilly is a gorgeous 2 year old tabby and white cat. She came into our care after being found abandoned with her kittens. Her kittens have now been rehomed and Tilly is looking for her own forever home. She is…
Basil is a male ginger and white long haired cat aged 3 years. He is a lovely friendly lap cat who likes lots of petting and cuddles. Will require some brushing of his coat to keep him in the fine…
Socks is a male tabby kitten aged 8 weeks old. A gorgeous little boy who is so much fun to be around! He likes to play with anything that moves, but also purrs very loudly if you give him a…
Bruce is a 6 year old male tabby and white cat. He is an adorable gentle giant who loves lots of cuddles and attention. Likes to bring you toys to play with and loves to walk or run up and…
Patch is a young male neutered cat aged 6 months old. He is a lovely friendly cat that will be great in any home with/without cats or dogs. He loves exploring his surroundings and playing with anything that moves.