For further details regarding adopting a cat from RSPCA Altrincham Cheshire Branch, please telephone 0161 286 2503 or email
This beautiful little girl is called Daphne. She is 9 weeks old and is looking for her forever home. She is very sweet and loving and wants to be wherever you are! Daphne would like a home with no young…
Zoe is a very sweet and gentle little girl who is looking for her forever home. She is quite shy and will benefit from lots of attention and TLC. Zoe is around 4 months old, neutered, microchipped and is ready…
Bruce is a 14 week old friendly little boy who loves a good petting and purrs loudly. He is neutered, microchipped and ready to go to his new forever home. If you think you can offer Bruce a loving new…
Fluffy is a beautiful grey and white Tabby kitten who is sweet and gentle natured and looking for his forever home. He is quite shy and will benefit from lots of attention and TLC. Fluffy has been neutered and microchipped.…
Gadget (female), Chip and Dale (both male) are 3 Tabby kittens that were found abandoned in a park. Despite their tough start in life, all three kittens are friendly, loud little purrers! They’re full of energy and love to play.…
Meet Henry. Henry is a male ginger cat around 6-7 years old. Henry is very affectionate and a really lovely cat. He has got a couple of teeth missing but it doesn’t bother him. He deserves a lovely home with…
My name is Penny, I am a 1 year old female, confident, friendly and playful. I am a curious cat and love to explore everything, but if you show me boundaries I am very obedient. I love my scratching post,…
Alex and Bella are brother and sister domestic short hair 8 weeks old. They are both very playful and affectionate and are looking forward to beginning there new life in a loving home.
These 8 week old beauties are called Tully and Dipsy they are brother and sister and are looking for a home together. They are loving, playful kittens who love to follow you around. They are looking for a home with…
Lucie and Lola are sisters around 4 months old looking for their forever homes together. They get on well with cats, dogs and quieter older children. They are neutered, vaccinated and micro chipped.