Hello, my name is Elwood I’m a veteran of 17 years, and I’m looking for a loving home to enjoy my twilight years. For further details, please contact Margaret Green Animal Rescue’s Church Knowle branch in Dorset on 01929 480474.
Hello, my name is Sam. I am a handsome 9 year old male Black and White cat. I came into the Sanctuary as my previous owner developed an allergy and had chest problems. I would love lots of affection and…
Hi, Mylo is my name I’m female and 8 years old. I’m quite happy sitting in my garden and not fussed about travalling far. I don’t much like children especially when they tease me, so i would love to find…
Hello Jason is the name. I am male and the kind people who brought me here think I’m about 2 years old. I don’t know much about myself as i was found as a stray, but I know theres a…
Hello our names are Roxie and Rosie, we are approx 18 months old. We would like to be rehomed as a pair as we have always been together, we are looking for a home that will give us the love…
My name is Tom and I’m 18 months old. I came here because my previous owners didn’t think I was affectionate enough. The girls here found me to be loving and confident as they have given me the encouragement and…
iggles and Coco here, we are 1 year old sibling sisters and are looking for a home together. We were brought here because our owner inherited her mum’s dog which kept attacking us, so she decided that she wanted us…
ello, we are Groucho and Chico, 7 and 5 years old and were brought here because the neighbourhood tom continued to bully us and then we got a bit worried about going outside. Our original owner was upset for us…
Hi, I’m Bubbles, I’m 10 years old and was brought here because my owners are emigarting. I’m very cuddly and like nothing better than a quiet life by lazing in the sun. For further details, please contact Margaret Green Animal…
Hi my name is Toby, I’m a very sad Persian aged 10 years old. My owner sadly died unexpectedly and the people here said they would help me fine a new home. I would love a home as the only…