Our names are Bambi and Felix and we have recently become very good pals and spend a lot of time together. We are very friendly guys who love cuddles and we are looking for a home where we are the…
Hello, my name is Misty and I’m just over 2 years old. I was brought here because my owner sadly passed away. I was a very worried lady when I arrived but am gaining confidence slowly. I like affection, but…
Our names are Jeff and Polly and we are 6 months and 1 year old. We are very friendly and affectionate and love playing together. We are looking for a new home as our owner was moving and couldn’t take…
Hello, I’m Chloe. I am a very friendly lady and when the staff fuss over me they find I purr a lot! As I am 15 years old I am looking for a mature home where I can settle down…
My name’s Sooty and I am a female aged 3 1/2 years. I am a confident lady who loves going outside although I only stay in the local neighbourhood. I am affectionate and enjoy being stroked but I can we…
I am Spike, a 4 year old tabby. The people here don’t know very much about me except that I was upset living in my old home. They have found me a friendly lad and I am looking for a…
My name is Harry and I am 6 years old. I am a friendly guy and love following you around and have even been known to walk down the street after you! I could live with dogs and children aged…
Hi, I’m Sam and I am about 2 years old. I have been homeless for a while now as I was a stray before coming here and I must say the staff are really looking after me. I have found…
Hi there I’m Skip, a friendly chap and I love having a fuss made of me. I have spent a lot of time indoors so I need a litter tray but I would like the opportunity to venture outside and…
Hi my name is Hendrix I am 16 months old. I am a very friendly lad and love a good fuss. I would like a home with no dogs and can live with other cats and children 5+. For further…