My name is Sox and I am a male born in May 06. I am a confident guy who is friendly and affectionate and I like human company although I prefer to come to you rather than being picked up.…
My name is Tess and I was born in May 09. I am a very friendly girl who adores cuddles and as my previous owner was often away from home I really missed having a fuss made of me. My…
Hi there, my name is Sox, I’m about 14 months and I’m a nervous little chap, but I am gaining confidence daily. I’m looking for a loving, quiet home enabling me to gain more confidence in my own home. For…
Our names are Harry and Midnight and we’re 1 1/2 and 2 years old. We are both very friendly, chilled out guys. We were abandoned by our previous owners and would love a new home where we can stay together.…
My name is Willow and the staff say I am absolutely adorable and very friendly. I was a stray and the kind people who brought me here couldn’t find my previous owners so I am looking for someone else to…
My name is Fifi and I am between 2-3 years old. I am a friendly and affectionate girl and I love being tickled under my chin. In my previous home I sometimes felt stressed so I am looking for a…
My name is Willow and I was born in July. I am really cute and cuddly and being an energetic little girl I love it when the staff come and play with me. I am really looking forward to my…
My name is Tom and I am between 7-8 years old. I am very nervous and will often hide away but I am slowly getting used to having people around. I have a nice man called Russell who visits and…
Hello, my name is Tippie and I am a female aged 6 years. I am a friendly girl and I used to share my home with 4 other cats which I didn’t like so I spent a lot of time…
My name is Marmalade and I am 4 years old. I was living as a stray and as I wasn’t microchipped no-one has been able to trace my previous owner. I am a friendly guy and would love a new…