Our names are Lulu and Ozzy and we were born last August and are 6 months old. We are a friendly pair and came here because our owners moved into no pet accommodation. For further details, please contact Margaret Green…
Hi, my name is Henry, I’m 5 1/2 years old and as you can see, I’m a Persian! I’m a gentle soul who is looking for a loving quiet home as the only pet with someone who enjoys grooming me.…
Hello, my name is Jessie. I used to live in someone’s garden and I am really looking forward to a home where I can settle down. You see I am only 5 months old and it really wasn’t very nice…
My name is Woody and I am a male aged approx 5 months. At first I found it very scary coming here but now I am settling in and getting used the staff, my confidence is growing by the day…
My name is Abbi and I am a confident lady aged 7 years old. I need an experienced owner who will understand my ways and who will appreciate that I like human company but I like attention on my terms.…
I am Murphy and I am 14 years old. I am a friendly gentleman, slightly lacking in confidence and I don’t mind you stroking my head but I don’t need a great deal of fussing. I am looking for a…
Hello my name is Popsy and I am a female aged 9 years. I am a very friendly and affectionate cat but I wasn’t happy in my previous home because of another cat who lived there. I love cuddles and…
My name is Simon and I was born July 2010. I’m a lively, fun loving chap looking for a fresh start in life. For further details, please contact Margaret Green Animal Rescue’s Wingletang branch in Devon on 01929 810215.
My name is Poppet and I’m about 8 months of age. I was found straying with nowhere to go! I’m a very affectionate, loving girl who is looking for a quiet, loving home. For further details, please contact Margaret Green…
My name is Tiger and I was born in June 2006. I am a very gentle, social chap, but would prefer to be the only pet in the household. For further details, please contact Margaret Green Animal Rescue’s Wingletang branch…